KALIMANTANRAYA.COM – Simultaneous publication of Press Releases (or Daily Press Releases) is the right step in reputation management activities.
Especially in efforts to carry out imaging, socialization and personal/product branding campaigns.
Including in the context of carrying out image restoration efforts or restoring a good name.
Simultaneous publication of press releases on news portals or online media is necessary so that information can be published in dozens of media.
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Jasasiaranpers.com Mengucapkan Selamat dan Sukses kepada Pasangan Prabowo – Gibran di Pemilu 2024
For this reason, as a solution to the need for a Reputation Management program, Jasasiaranpers.com offers an alternative Simultaneous Press Release Publication program.
More than 100 news portals have partnered with Jasasiaranpers.com, consisting of: National media, Economic and Business media, Entertainment media, and Regional Press.
Jasasiaranpers.com and this news portal provide economical packages for publication needs, both Simultaneous Press Releases and Daily Press Releases.
For cooperation and collaboration, contact WhatsApp Center: 085315557788, 08557777888.***
Baca Juga:
Sapu Langit Communications, Mitra Strategis untuk Hadapi Masalah Komunikasi Korporasi Anda